Assalammualaikum and greetings people!!!!!
Wow, haven't remembered the last time I post on a blog. I can't even remembered when. How life gets so busy these days. (what i mean is months..hihi) I wanted to start blogging again cause I am so over pregnancy. Haha and Alhamdulillah, I've got a son age two months old now and he's so charming that he could be Prince Charming to anonymous girl, lulz. What a mommy.
The Perks of Being a Young Mommy. Yes, haha well, I dont even know where to start, everything goes so fast and I can't even believe it myself that I'm building a mini family here. I have a husband and a son, two of my heroes in my life, (no worry dad, you'll always be my number 1!) Lot of my friends have been asking me 'How does it feel to be a mom & finally have a baby?" "Are you happy, being married this early?" "Does it hurt? Giving birth?" <<<< This question is the most asked question. Hahaha-- Well, here goes my answer, I'm so proud of myself that i'm willing to take a risk building a family at this very young age cause I don't even want to be hurt and left again by all those guys out there, and InsyaAllah Taufik is 'The One' Allah has descended to me. I'm so over having fun dating. And now that I have a baby, I couldn't be more happier than I am. Muhammad my baby, mommy loves you sayang! Some people may disagree with me being married this early since i'm only 20 now and still a student. How can I balance my study and my family? Well, if mom can, why can't I? Mom raised us five girls so well, and I'm going to do the same, it's just that I don't have five girls, I have only 1 son. Hihi.
So, the second question, "Are you happy?" Puh-leaseeee, do I look unhappy? Haha I'm more than grateful. I'm marrying my bestfriend that I've known for almost 6 years, why won't I be happy? He knows me well more than other guys did. Because he's my bestfriend. Marrying him is the best thing ever happened. Never thought the guy I've known for the past 6 years in my life could turn out to be my husband and best friend forever!!!!*screaaaaaammmmmmm* Is this for true? Ikr. He may not be the prince charming I've been waiting for, (haha no offense sayang) but he got everything a women need, by meaning, I need. So, I am happy to be married to Muhammad Nur Taufik.
So, the best part of the question is this, the 'giving birth thingy'. Hahaha what I could say is that, all of the scene about giving birth you saw in the drama and all, IS A LIE. Well, to me it is. It wasn't that hard. First, you gotta feel a little contraction which does hurt a lot but I don't scream at all. Drama lies, exaggerate everything. Lulz! 2 days of contraction and 10 hours of contraction in labour room. (this is the moment where you thought you're going to die and you start to apologizing to everyone, even to the nurses and doctors. haha) After 10 hours contraction hurt, it took only 15 minutes for Muhammad to come out. Right at 10:05pm, I heard him cry and it was the best thing and moment I've ever had. Alhamdulillah Allah has saved the both of us. I won't tell you the part after giving birth, cause I'll let you experience it yourself girls. Hihi so far, everything is turning out to be good for me, thank Allah for making it easy for us.
And here I am now, back on the track! With a husband and son by my side, I'll start blogging and living my life all over again. This time, I wouldn't have to think about `eye-ing a guy and start dating or you're gonna end up being a spinster'. What a thought! :D
You know who I am.
That 90s chick.