"I typed my life because I don't want to forget each moment. I'm Nurul Hidayah, 20. Muslimah. Malaysian
They don't even know that somehow words can be more hurt than bullets."

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saya bahagia utk korang :)

:) its good to know that finally they are back together . haha :D at least , i dah boleh cuba terima skrg . babe , i tahu you boleh bahagiakn oreo i . and i tahu dia syg sgt kat you . so , korg mesti bahagia kan kan . i doakan yg korang takan terpisah walau apa pun yg jadi . mmg susah utk i terima semua neh and i agak terkejut juga mula mula . tapi , itu jodoh korang . so , i accept it . i know you and him will make a great couple . i always adore both of you . just remember that kita kawan sampai bila bila . huh , lega hati i bila dpt tahu yg korg dah bersama lagi , so good luck in your relationship . dont let anyone or anythings broken it up . i love you guys :)